Mottley welcomes Young to Caricom Heads of Government

CARICOM chair and Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Mottley has welcomed Prime Minister Stuart Young to the Conference of Caricom Heads of Government. She also congratulated Young on his installation as the eighth PM of Trinidad and Tobago.
In a release on March 17, Mottley said, “We look forward to the continued robust participation of TT in shaping and executing Caricom’s response to current and emerging global affairs, including energy and security (drugs and illicit arms), for which Prime Minister Young will have lead responsibility in the Caricom quasi-cabinet.”
Mottley said Caricom commits its full support as Young and his government continue to chart a stable, secure and prosperous future for the people of TT and the region.
Young was sworn in on March 17 following the resignation of Dr Rowley as PM on March 16, after two terms in office.
Mottley thanked Rowley for his service in a Facebook post on March 16.
"Mottley welcomes Young to Caricom Heads of Government"