A virtual hug for Ambassador Bond

US Ambassador Candace Bond -
US Ambassador Candace Bond -

THE EDITOR: Traditionally, as with any incoming new US president, it is his/her prerogative to choose the ambassador of his choice. As a matter of fact, the set precedent has always been for the sitting ambassador to submit his or her "resignation letter" to the new president, even before it is demanded of them.

Even though I personally had no reason to visit 15 Queen's Park West, aka Marli Street, many of my fellow Trinidadians/Tobagonians did. And based on the many feedbacks I got their experiences for the most part were very satisfactory.

So, I would like to call upon my fellow Trinis to join me in getting ready to give the soon-to-be-departed Ambassador Candace Bond a virtual hug for showing respect, care and professionalism to us Trinis.

This lady hasn't only performed her duty with utmost integrity and fair play, but she has also immersed herself in the culture of our nation and its merriment at so many different levels.

In my opinion TT has never had a better friend and US ambassador who served us so well. Yes, I am aware not too long ago we had a US ambassador who was born "behind the bridge," and I am certainly not taking anything away from his great service either, but in my view Madam Ambassador absolutely shined for us.


Come January 20, 2025, or the morning of the 21st, Trinis may have to brace for what Donald Trump has in store for us.


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"A virtual hug for Ambassador Bond"

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