Promoted El Dorado face SSCL pre-season bouncers

WITH less than a week remaining to the start of the PowerGen Secondary Schools Cricket League (SSCL) season, El Dorado East Secondary School cricketers are in a race against the clock to ensure they are ready for the 2024 season, which bowls on Tuesday. No full-time coach and a lack of equipment are among the issues affecting the team's preparations, ahead of the premiership competition which features the top ten schools in Trinidad and Tobago.
El Dorado featured in the north championship division last year, but after winning the division earned promotion to the top flight for the first time in more than five years. They will now face powerhouse schools like defending champions Presentation College, San Fernando; Hillview College; Fatima College; Naparima College and Presentation College, Chaguanas. The build-up to the season has been less than ideal for El Dorado as Selwyn Cumberbatch, one of the team's committee members, saying it has been a tough pre-season.
The school has sent letters in an effort to get sponsors.
"We are excited to share our vision and request your support in acquiring essential items to foster the development of a modern cricketing programme at our school," the letter said.
More cricket equipment for the players and a facility upgrade are two areas that the team needs assistance in.
"We require quality cricket bats (hard ball and windball); leather balls; polyethylene balls and tennis balls; helmets; gloves; pads and protective gear to ensure the safety and skill development of our students," the letter said.
In an interview with Newsday, Cumberbatch said, "Honestly, it has been very challenging. For one, we did not have a coach. We had someone interested in the post that came and he was providing his service free of charge with the expectation that he would have been hired by the Ministry (of Education) for the post of coach of the school."
Namir Seupaul has made himself available to assist in coaching the cricketers this season. Last season, El Dorado also did not operate with a full-time coach with only a Good Samaritan, who lives in the community, helping the team who lives in the community.
Cumberbatch said on Tuesday the school was informed that Seupaul is not eligible for the position because he does not meet the three-year experience requirement.
Seupaul said he has four years coaching experience with stints at the University of TT, Queen's Park Cricket Club and St Mary's College. "In terms of that I have four years covered," Seupaul said.
Seupaul, a Cricket West Indies (CWI) Level I coach, got letters from places he coached to prove his credentials.
However, there is some confusion on how the three years are counted. "The question we are asking is it three years of experience after getting your certificate or is it three years of assisting and being around coaching."
Seupaul has been showing his commitment to the team. Cumberbatch said, "The guy is still here and he is trying with the boys. He comes out three days a week and he has been coaching them as best as he can with the limited resources."
Seupaul said he is willing to help the team. "I knew when I started that it would be probably one month or six weeks free, waiting for the ministry to approve it. Obviously, after starting and getting so much closer to the team, that bond was already built with them and seeing them getting to like the game more...It's too close to the season for me to just drop them like that."
It has also been a race against the clock to get the field in proper condition.
Cricket fields need special attention with rollers necessary to keep the wicket fit to play. The school has a small roller but needs a larger one.
"Our first game is on the 16th (of January) on the pitch...these are real issues our school faces in terms of preparation for these matches." The team's training is limited also as they cannot use the practice nets as it is in need of refurbishment.
When playing away matches in the league, it is even more costly as transport is required.
"We are trying to do fundraisers to secure funds for the boys when they going to the away games...I don't want to give you the impression that this is smooth sailing. We are happy to be there (in the premiership), but it is a lot of work."
El Dorado would be depending on many of their Under-16 players in the premiership competition as some of their senior players have graduated. Jeremiah Villaroel and Zameer Ali are two of the players expected to lead from the front, said Cumberbatch.
"Promoted El Dorado face SSCL pre-season bouncers"