Unions announce Friday protest march route

OWTU president general Ancel Roget addresses the media on concerns about the future of Lake Asphalt during a protest in Pt D'Or, La Brea in July. File photo/Marvin Hamilton
OWTU president general Ancel Roget addresses the media on concerns about the future of Lake Asphalt during a protest in Pt D'Or, La Brea in July. File photo/Marvin Hamilton

As unions take to the streets of Port of Spain on Friday, commuters and pedestrians are urged to take note of the route of the march, which will last from 9 am-4 pm. The march is an initiative of the united trade federations' Unite to Fight Movement.

A release from the Oilfield Workers’ Trade Union said participants would begin gathering at the bandstand, Brian Lara Promenade, Port of Spain.

It said three music trucks are expected to accompany the march.

At 10 am, the procession will leave the promenade and move east along north Independence Square North, turn north onto Henry Street, then west onto Gordon Street, and then south onto Frederick Street.

General Secretary of the National Trade Union Centre (NATUC) Michael Annisette leads a protest against the government’s two per cent wage increase offer to public sector workers in May. File photo/Sureash Cholai


The march will then turn east onto Independence Square South around the Cipriani statue and head west along Independence Square South. It will turn north onto Abercromby Street, turn west along Gordon Street, and turn south onto and continue along Richmond Street.

The procession will end on the Brian Lara Promenade opposite the Eric Williams Financial Complex.

The Unite to Fight Movement is composed of JTUM, FITUN, and NATUC. The unions are marching to protest government’s four per cent wage increase proposal, which they describe as insulting.


"Unions announce Friday protest march route"

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