THA secretary Trevor James nominated to contest general election

THA SECRETARY of Infrastructure, Quarries and Urban Development Trevor James says he has been nominated to contest the general election for the Tobago People’s Party (TPP).
The Scarborough/Mt Grace assemblyman had first expressed interest in contesting a seat during a news conference at the Shaw Park Cultural Complex on September 7, 2024.
At that time, he told reporters he felt he could change the status quo in the Parliament as an MP.
“I decided I must offer myself to the TPP and to the people of Tobago as one of the candidates for the upcoming parliamentary elections. The time has come when we need serious people in the space,” James had said.
On the Tobago Updates morning show on January 13, James reiterated his position.
The general election is constitutionally due in 2025.
“I would make myself available to the people and to the party for either Tobago East or West, because I think we need stronger voices in the Parliament.
“I think the solutions to our problems with the Tobago House of Assembly Act and the way the jurisdiction in Tobago is managed is from the Parliament, and no doubt there is a need for stronger voices to articulate the Tobago position in Trinidad and therefore I offered myself.”
He confirmed he has been nominated “and the party will make a decision shortly, I believe, and hopefully I will be selected.”
"THA secretary Trevor James nominated to contest general election"