Trinidad and Tobago is a nation of safety experts

THE EDITOR: In TT we are a nation of experts. We know it all and more about everything.
Not because you put on your grandfather's metal safety hat gives you a MSc in safety. Remember that.
Never let your emotions override your latent intelligence. Everyone is a safety professional.
What really causes a lack of safety?
▪︎ Not having the proper personal protective equipment.
▪︎ Not using the right safety protocols.
▪ ︎Not performing regular maintenance.
You cannot walk off George Street and walk into an industrial setting. There are rules. Rules must be obeyed. Work permits must be followed and adhered to 100 per cent.
Instructions must be followed. Procedures must be followed or people die. Are we clear?
No major work should be scheduled on a Carnival Friday on land. None whatsoever. Everyone wants to start the Carnival.
The underwater welding job was poorly planned. Planning is one of the most effective skills someone can have.
It is most unfortunate what transpired. We cannot change the past. Do not look back.
Let us learn from this accident and never ever repeat it. The horse has already bolted. Closing the stable door now makes no sense.
Where was the big man above in all of this? Was he not in Trinidad when the accident occurred.
What is the lure? Big money? Who will get most of it?
Deplete this blame game. Move forward, people. Let us not have a repeat. This was a case of everything that could go wrong going wrong. But time heals all wounds.
My safety, your safety is our responsibility.
Princes Town
"Trinidad and Tobago is a nation of safety experts"