South lawyers elect new leadership team

THE Assembly of Southern Lawyers (ASL) has a new leadership team.
President Saira Lakhan retained her position for the 2025-2026 term. The ASL held its elections on March 14.
Elected vice-president is Narrad Harrikissoon. Amanda Wall was elected secretary and Kristian Dass treasurer. Jared Jagroo is PRO while Denyse Ewe and Devi Ramnarine are trustees.
Senior ordinary members are Andrea Bhagwandeen and Ariel Moonsie. Junior ordinary members are Sharon Bodoe and Dr Surendra Rampersad
“With a steadfast commitment to legal excellence, advocacy, and professional development, the new leadership team of the ASL will work to serve the legal community in a manner that fosters professional growth and legal education, and which promote access to justice,” Wall said.
"South lawyers elect new leadership team"