PM defends young professional against Moonilal's attack

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley. - File photo by Angelo Marcelle
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley. - File photo by Angelo Marcelle

THE Prime Minister has defended a young professional against allegations made against him by Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal.

Dr Rowley, who is in the US for routine medical check-ups, did so in a Facebook post on September 10.

At a UNC news conference on September 8, Moonilal was critical of Keron Rose, an information communication technology (IT) specialist and columnist with Newsday's Business Day magazine.

Moonilal thought Rose was a director of a company that was allegedly awarded a contract by the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) to build a box drain. Moonilal said the contract was signed by an HDC official, and then showed what he claimed was a cheque dated April 17 for $4.8 million.

"How did $3.7 million reach to $4.8 million? What is that, interest, transactions cost? It is a government cheque. What did they receive this cheque for?" Moonilal asked.

Moonilal claimed the company that was awarded the contract is based in his constituency.

He then asked HDC managing director Jayselle McFarlane to shed light on the matter, asking if the project for which the contract was signed was ever started or completed.

On the claims against Keron Rose, Rowley said Moonilal is once again "busy there pleading public interest and free speech."

Referring to an event about the digital domain which the Heliconia Foundation held at Balisier House in May, at which Keron Rose was a speaker, Rowley described Moonilal's claims against Rose as unwarranted.

"In this case, instead of encouraging these young people to do these good things, he jumps in to destroy reputations with lies."

Rowley hoped Moonilal "will be made to acknowledge his lies and his disgusting political style."

He said Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar and Opposition Senator Wade Mark regularly engage in the same practice. Rowley added these are well known strategies which the UNC uses against its perceived political enemies.

Keron Rose. - Photo courtesy Keron Rose

"Those are the UNC’s understanding and practice of organised wrongdoing in the hope of deliberately damaging people's reputation."

In a subsequent Facebook post on the same day, Moonilal acknowledged that he had confused Keron Rose with a businessman, Kerron Rose, writing: "At today’s press conference I asked several questions concerning serious allegations of mismanagement and improper corporate practices by the HDC. A name found on the company documents for 'Rose Capital Investments Ltd' was James Rose, who is also known as James Kerron Rose.”

Moonilal added that he did not intend to bring the wrong person into question.

"Any semblance between the Roses by name or appearance is regrettable and unintentional as far as the central issues raised are concerned.”

James Kerron Rose could not be reached for comment.

In a Facebook post on September 9, Keron Rose dismissed Moonilal's claims against him.

"This has to be the craziest most asinine, wreckless (sic) thing I have ever witnessed with my own eyes."

Rose said Moonilal used his image to make his claims while referring to a person named "James Rose," while saying he could not confirm whether or not they were the same person.

"He talks about Keron Rose who did a seminar at Balisier House...(being) the criminal mastermind behind Rose Capital and Trillions Systems."

Rose added that during the UNC's briefing, Moonilal spoke about "how they have done all their research and they have the articles of incorporation for the company and list of directors...which clearly shows the owner as "James Rose."

He added this is being done at a time when business owners have been the victims of extortion by criminals.

Rose slammed Moonilal for endangering his life and damaging his reputation.

Since September 8, Rose said, he has received a number of messages from people who think he is the alleged conman Moonilal mentioned.

In a statement on September 9, the HDC also rejected Moonilal's claims.

"Rose Capital Investment Ltd is not a company with which the HDC conducted business. A search of the HDC’s contractor database has not provided this company as having conducted any business with the HDC for the works identified."

The HDC said the award and signing of contracts after the proper tender process, including that of the standstill process, is only for the remit of its managing director (McFarlane).

"As such, our chairman Noel Garcia does not sign contracts to contractors at any time."

The HDC said McFarlane has said no award letter for a contract was given to Rose Capital Investment Ltd, Garcia does not sign letters of award and/or contracts to any HDC contractor and the cheque displayed by Moonilal on September 8 is fake.

The corporation added that this statement was supported by an examination of the letter, which showed it was not printed on an official HDC letterhead.


"PM defends young professional against Moonilal’s attack"

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