[UPDATED] National Security Ministry: No SSA employees rehired

Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds. - File photo by Angelo Marcelle
Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds. - File photo by Angelo Marcelle

The National Security Ministry says none of the 28 people who were fired in March from the Strategic Services Agency (SSA) have been rehired.

The ministry issued a statement on Monday after former commissioner of police and political leader of the National Transformation Alliance (NTA) Gary Griffith claimed on Sunday that nearly half the individuals terminated from the SSA had been recalled.

The statement said during March 2024, 28, employees of the SSA were terminated on grounds and circumstances which violated the provisions of the SSA Act and the SSA (Personnel) Regulations 2020.

It said on March 23, 2024, some employees were terminated on the abolition of the unapproved tactical response team (TRT), in accordance with Regulation 7(g) of the SSA (Personnel) Regulations, 2020.

The ministry said the reason for the establishment of the unapproved TRT and its operations during its existence were the subject of immediate and active police investigation.

In March then SSA director Major Roger Best was removed on the basis of a Special Branch report and Brig Gen Anthony Phillips-Spencer appointed SSA head.

Police also raided the home of pastor Ian Brown, a self-professed SSA spy and intelligence officer.

Phillips-Spencer suspended the SSA deputy director of intelligence Joanne Bartholomew-Daniel and 11 other employees, as well as a 12-member tactical response team, an operational unit made of former commandos.

Best was arrested on suspicion of transferring four high-powered automatic guns to SSA employees in May. He was fired while in custody on May 18.

Brown, SSA’s former security supervisor Susan Portell-Griffith, and Sgt Sherwin Waldron of the now-defunct Special Operations Response Team all appeared in the High Court to face gun-related charges. They were released on $500,000 bail each.

On July 3, the Prime Minister revealed details of the audit of the SSA in Parliament, alleging a plot by rogue members of the elite spy agency to overthrow the Government.

Rowley also said the SSA bought thousands of rounds of ammunition, much of which remained unaccounted for.

Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds told a briefing at his ministry on July 22, "Every matter that ought to be investigated is being investigated."

He cited Phillips-Spencer's earlier statement that no one terminated from the SSA had been rehired and that all those matters remained under active police investigation.

Hinds expressed amazement at a recent press report citing former commissioner of police Gary Griffith saying ballistics testing had proved no SSA weapons had been used in a crime and no SSA ammunition had ever been found at a crime scene. The minister asked how Griffith knew what was now going on in the SSA, as he no longer had a position in the national-security apparatus.

Hinds said it made no sense for Griffith to talk about an absence of "SSA-labelled ammunition," as no such item existed.
(With reporting by Sean Douglas)

This story has been adjusted to include additional details. See original post below.

THE National Security Ministry has said none of the 28 people who were fired in March from the Strategic Services Agency (SSA) have been rehired.

The ministry issued a release on July 22 after former commissioner of police and political leader of the National Transformation Alliance (NTA) Gary Griffith claimed on July 21 that nearly half the individuals terminated from the SSA had been recalled.

The release said during March 2024, 28 employees of the SSA were terminated on grounds and circumstances which violated the provisions of the SSA Act and the SSA (Personnel) Regulations 2020.

It said on March 23, 2024, some employees were terminated on the abolition of the unapproved tactical response team (TRT), in accordance with Regulation 7(g) of the SSA (Personnel) Regulations, 2020.

The ministry said the reason for the establishment of the unapproved TRT and its operations during its existence are the subject of immediate and active police investigation.

In March then SSA director Major Roger Best was removed on the basis of a Special Branch report and Brig Gen Anthony Phillips-Spencer appointed SSA head.

Police also raided the home of pastor Ian Brown, a self-professed SSA spy and intelligence officer.

Phillips-Spencer suspended the SSA deputy director of intelligence Joanne Bartholomew-Daniel and 11 other employees, as well as a 12-member tactical response team, an operational unit made of former commandos.

Best was arrested on suspicion of transferring four high-powered automatic guns to SSA employees in May. He was fired while in custody on May 18.

Brown, SSA’s former security supervisor Susan Portell-Griffith, and now-defunct Special Operations Response Team officer Sgt Sherwin Waldron all appeared in the High Court to face gun-related charges. They were released on $500,000 bail each.

On July 3, the Prime Minister revealed details of the audit of the SSA in Parliament, alleging a plot by rogue members of the elite spy agency to overthrow the Government.

Rowley also said the SSA bought thousands of rounds of ammunition, much of which remained unaccounted for.


"[UPDATED] National Security Ministry: No SSA employees rehired"

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