Hinds: National security guided by same principles as church

NATIONAL Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds is assuring the public that discussions and decisions within his ministry, and by extension, the government, are guided by the same principles as the church.
He was speaking at a national day of prayer event at Woodford Square, Port of Spain, which focused on praying for the country's protective services.
He told worshippers he was there to join them in "giving praise to almighty God" and thanked them for their prayers.
"This one is for us and we deeply appreciate that," he said.
He added that the Prime Minister could not attend and that he was asked to bring greetings on his behalf.
"He asked that I bring his thanks to you and his greetings and his blessings.
"Your prayers today for our protective services, for our strength, for our focus, for our dedication and our commitment is heard around TT, the region and the world."
He added, "We need God."
He said as leaders, regardless of what capacity of leadership they serve in, understand that when they "bow down, humble themselves and pray, the answers come long before the very questions are put."
He said crime is a function of sin as well as a manifestation of the sinful nature of humans.
If a crime-free world is to be achieved, he said, there must first be a sin-free world.
"I give you the assurance as we conduct the business of national security, as we conduct the whole range of the governance platform. Whether it's finance, trade and industry, foreign and Caricom affairs...public utilities, what ever it is, I give you...the assurance that when we meet on a weekly basis – sometimes more – to conduct your nation's affairs, we are guided by the principles that you in the church live by."
These principles, he said, are truth, fairness, honesty and respect.
He said Dr Rowley taught the current government about those principles when campaigning in 2015.
"He told us while he's prepared to tolerate and treat with and support and correct mistakes because we are human beings, mistakes will be made. But when it comes to matters of integrity, honesty, theft and interference with public monies, you are on your own. So I give you the assurance that your prayer works."
Commissioner of Police Erla Harewood-Christopher thanked the "spiritual arm" of the country for their prayers, adding, "We acknowledge and appreciate that we cannot do it alone, and I thank the members of the clergy for standing with me and standing in the gap."
Deputy Commissioner of Prisons Carlos Corraspe urged the public to keep praying for the protective services. He said their efforts will "fall to nought" without the intervention of God.
He asked for prayer to ensure the protective services "get it right" and serve the public well.
"Hinds: National security guided by same principles as church"