TTFA to launch girls Under-14 football league

THE TT Football Association (TTFA) is set to launch another initiative through the support of the FIFA Women’s Development Programme. A girls Under-14 League is being developed and the inaugural league is expected to have 12 teams – eight teams from Trinidad and four teams from Tobago. It is scheduled to start on March 5.
The main objectives of the league are to give an opportunity to younger girls to play outside of school, allow an avenue for women to coach teams and the league will provide an opportunity to recruit players for the new cycle of the TTFA High Performance Programme.
The goals of the programme are also to increase the number of girls who play football and create a club culture.
Teams are welcoming girls born between January 1, 2009 and December, 31 2011. Girls interested in playing can contact the teams to get more information.
Athletic International Academy (Tacarigua) – 319-2374; Combined Ballerz Academy (Tobago) – 722- 9460; Cox Coaching Academy (Palo Seco) – 322-6298/ 384-1144; Crowne Trace (Chaguanas) – 358-6898/277-5344; Eastern Counties Region Team (680-6499); Jewels Sports Club (Tobago) – 751-9885; Pt Fortin Women’s Football Club (Pt Fortin) – 498-3878; Real Dimension Women’s Football Club (Port of Spain & Environs) – 732-9909; RSS Phoenix 1964 FC (Tobago) – 689-2304/317-2104; Skill Skool Girls Football Academy (San Juan) – 772-0464; South Stars Sports (PrincesTown) – 778-4413; Tobago Chicas Football Club (Tobago) – 358-0928/333-6694.
"TTFA to launch girls Under-14 football league"