Bollywood theme for Miss India Worldwide pageant

Franchise holder for the Miss India Worldwide TT pageant, Neha Karina plans on turning the event into a must-see on the local calendar.
Karina, a director and designer, obtained the franchise in 2020 and said she has seen its potential as a dynamic product that harnesses the elements of beauty, fashion, entertainment and culture.
“For the first time, TT saw three delegates represent our nation at one international show with other delegates from all over the world – Miss (India Worldwide TT), Miss Teen (India Worldwide TT) and Mrs India Worldwide TT. This took place in New Jersey in May 2022.”
The finalists for 2023 pageant were introduced at a virtual event that was aired on TT and streamed on the Miss India Worldwide TT Facebook page on Thursday evening.
Karina told WMN the local leg of the pageant will be held in January 2023, and will be more pronounced with a Bollywood theme, an extra dose of pomp and sharper stage production.
“During its last staging, the Miss India Worldwide TT Pageant generated a buzz of excitement and unquestionably reinvigorated the sphere of Indian pageantry locally…We are pleased to announce that plans are already in stride for the second instalment of the event…Our show has already carved out a beautiful niche unlike any other pageant locally, making it a magnet for audiences and sponsors.”
She said the first production exceeded expectations in its generation of viewership and sponsorship interest, “and it is instructive to note the curious response of the local pageant fraternity with campaigns mimicking the trend set by our last production, proving that our presence has been impactful.”
Karina said a tremendous amount of resources, manpower and logistics is needed to execute these productions, making the glam and glitter of pageantry very challenging for those working behind the scenes.
But she believes with the continued support of the media, sponsors and supporters, the Miss India Worldwide TT pageant will no doubt grow into and bigger and more glamorous event each year.
"Bollywood theme for Miss India Worldwide pageant"