President saddened by death of silver medal winner

PRESIDENT Paula-Mae Weekes is saddened by the death of President’s Medal Silver recipient Abdullah Hassim.
Hassim, 20, collapsed and died at his Cunupia home on June 5.
A test during his autopsy found he was covid19-positive. In a statement on Sunday, the president said, “Every death is significant but the passing of one so young is especially heart-rending.”
She said that Hassim, at a young age, had already achieved recognition for his dedication and service was testament to the bright future that awaited him.
The president extended her personal condolences to his parents, Nabilah and Intaff Juman, his immediate family and his extended family among the President’s Awards programme.
“Farewell Abdullah,” the statement said.
Speaking at the Prime Minister’s media briefing on Saturday, Dr Michelle Trotman said Hassim’s was not a case that was being followed along since it was at post-mortem that he was diagnosed with covid19.
"President saddened by death of silver medal winner"