Man sues State for accidental police gunshot

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A MARABELLA man who was accidentally shot in the hip by police who were chasing masked individuals outside a bar in the area in 2016, has filed a personal injury claim against the State seeking compensation for loss of earnings, physiotherapy and other medical expenses.

Kendell Wright said he was outside Foxy’s Bar, Southern Main Road, Marabella, on September 19, 2016, buying a burger when he saw a group of masked individuals running towards a small lane next to the bar.

He said shortly after, two policemen followed the direction the men disappeared and began shooting.

Wright said the police fired no warning shots and everyone who were outside the bar took cover to avoid being hit.

He said after the gunfire stopped, he felt a burning sensation in his hip. Wright said one police officer tried to arrest him, but patrons at the bar told him he was not one of the masked individuals they were chasing.

Wright, who is represented by attorney Josiah Soo-Hon, said in his claim that the police did not take him to the hospital for treatment. It was patrons at the bar who had to call for an ambulance. He was eventually taken to the San Fernando General Hospital and discharged after one day with the bullet still in his hip.

Wright was given a date for surgery 14 days later but said he was in immense pain during that time. As a transport and sales agent, he said he was unable to work because of pain and loss of flexibility to his lower back and buttocks.

He eventually found a job as a security guard, earning less than $2,000 a month. He also had to resign from that job because he is unable to sit or stand for long periods of time.

Wright also claimed he was made to sign a document at the Marabella police station which prevented him from pursuing legal action against the State, although he went there for a police report.


"Man sues State for accidental police gunshot"

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