Postal service worsens daily

THE EDITOR: I have noticed the increased complaints of your readers recently regarding the service provided by TTPost, and I must join that bandwagon.

I have written many times over the past several years about the late delivery or, worse, the non-delivery of mail by our postal service.

Recently, I received a letter with two post office stamps on it: one dated July 25 and the other dated September 9. The letter was mailed to me earlier in July.

The July 25 stamp would indicate that was the date it was received by the district post office in Diego Martin. If so, how were they able to place a second stamp of September 9 on that letter when, by that date, it should have been delivered to me long before and should not still have been in the post office for them to have placed the second stamp onto it? After all, September 9 is a whopping 46 days away from July 25. That is six-and-a-half weeks.

It was the same thing with a second letter that, by the TTPost date stamp in August, should have been delivered to me by August 30. It arrived more than one week later.

A registered letter mailed to me from Canada a few years ago is yet to arrive. Then, too, on at least two occasions I have had to ask my bank to reissue bonus-points cheques to me when they were not delivered by TTPost after six months.

I hope the relevant authorities – both governmental and TTPost – have not been ignoring these complaints by citizens.


Diego Martin


"Postal service worsens daily"

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