More praise for rollback of restrictions

Southern Sales director Reyaz Ahamad -
Southern Sales director Reyaz Ahamad -

THE Prime Minister's announcement of rollbacks on restrictions on certain businesses to operate received more praise on Sunday.

At a news conference at the Diplomatic Centre on Saturday, Dr Rowley announced that car dealerships and all manufacturing will reopen on Monday.

He also announced the long anticipated opening of restaurants and other food establishments, including street food, takes place on July 19, for limited services only (curbside, take-out, deliveries, drive through).

On the same day, people who want to engage in outdoor exercise will be allowed to do so, but only in numbers of five.

Automotive Dealers Association of TT (ADATT) president Ryan Latchu said,"We are both elated and excited that the automotive sector will reopen on July 12."


While car dealerships were allowed to operate before July 12, for emergency automotive repairs (of national security vehicles and health ministry vehicles), Latchu said, "The ability to sell vehicles and spare parts created an entirely different dynamic for the economy."

He said the reopening of the Licensing Office on July 12, "gives us the assurance that the automotive sector's primary activity will be supported and sustained."

Latchu said,"We maintain that we will operate in a safety conscious manner with rostered employees, an appointment based system for vehicle dealer activities and use of our contactless solutions."

All licensing offices are scheduled to reopen on Monday on a phased basis with limited appointments

Southern Sales director Reyaz Ahamad said, "The ADATT, the new care dealers...even before the lockdown...we had very robust protocols in place." He said, "With the reopening, we will continue with those protocols to ensure a safe working environment for both our staff and also our customers." Ahamad said over the last couple months "we had imports of vehicles that we have had to pay taxes for, and while we were closed, pay all the essentials, including salaries and so forth."

Greater Chaguanas Chamber of Commerce president Richie Sookhai said Rowley's announcements was "definitely positive news."

He said, "It would get the economic wheel to start turning once more."

Sookhai added it could take several months for many of the closed businesses to rebound to a reasonable capacity, after being closed for several months.


"More praise for rollback of restrictions"

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