Prison officer sues after slap from colleague

A prison officer who was punched in the face by a colleague is suing the State for compensation for assault and battery.
The officer, motorman with the prison, was punched in the face by another officer on April 28, 2017 as he was about to board the vessel that takes inmates and officers to and from the Carrera Island prison.
The other officer is currently before the courts on assault charges arising out of the incident after he reported it to the police.
The officer said when he reported for duty at Hart’s Cut, Chaguaramas, he noticed the hatch to the boat’s engine room open, and saw the other officer in the room. When he approached, the other officer shouted at him and then punched him to the right side of the face, making him fall.
The officer went to the Carenage police station, where he reported the incident, then to the Carenage Health Centre and the Port of Spain General Hospital.
When he went back to work after ten days' sick leave, he submitted a report to his prison supervisor.
The lawsuit says the prison authorities have taken no disciplinary action against the other officer.
It contends the State, in particular the Commissioner of Prison, is vicariously liable for the actions of his employees while they are on duty.
He contends his colleague’s actions were premeditated and done out of spite. He also contends the incident has injured his feelings and dignity since the other officer made humiliating remarks to him, and he was beaten in full view of other officers.
The lawsuit says the attack was offensive, hurtful, humiliating, occurred in an undignified manner and was not provoked by anything he did.
He is also is seeking compensation for assault and battery.
He is represented by attorneys Darryl Heeralal and Nerisa Bala.
"Prison officer sues after slap from colleague"