Activist wants animal welfare legislation proclaimed

An animal-rights activist has asked Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi for information on the proclamation of the Animals (Diseases and Importation) (Amendment) Act, 2020 which was passed in both houses of Parliament last year.
The legislation, which amended 19 sections of the 65-year-old act and introduced nine new sections, including, for the first time, specific provisions dealing with animal welfare standards, was assented to on July 3, 2020.
Attorneys Dinesh Rambally, Rhea Khan, Kiel Tacklalsingh and Stefan Ramkissoon wrote to the Attorney General on behalf of Marisa Ramnath, described as a public-spirited individual interested in the welfare, well-being and treatment of animals.
According to the letter, Ramnath said the inclusion of section 18 (a) (1) of the act, which creates the offence of cruelly beating, ill-treating, starving, abusing, torturing, neglecting, or maltreating, any animal, was a “progressive step towards improving the treatment of animals in TT.”
Ramnath lauded the AG for including the section. But the letter said because the act had not yet been proclaimed, it “was therefore currently ineffectual.”
“In these circumstances, we write to request from you, information as to the projected timeline for the proclamation of this act.”
Ramnath, the letter said, has devoted time and resources to enhancing the treatment and welfare of animals in Trinidad and Tobago, and has personally paid for the construction of homes and facilities for displaced animals, as well as food, medicine and amenities for strays.
“She has become concerned about the increase in abuse and cruelty towards animals in our society. From these incidents, which are not isolated, it seems as though animal abuse and cruelty have become unacceptably prevalent within our society.”
The act, also known as the Animal Welfare Act, also set up fines of up to $200,000 for animal abuse and cruelty and created a range of offences related to the proper care and treatment of domestic animals.
On the commercial side, it introduced specific provisions for dealing with meat and animal imports and exports and measures to respond to animal disease outbreaks and manage the business of livestock farming. It also created an animal welfare advisory committee to advise the Agriculture and Food Production Minister, who is responsible for animals, on all aspects of animal welfare.
"Activist wants animal welfare legislation proclaimed"