TTUTA: Garcia, meet us to discuss covid19

Antonia DeFreitas
Antonia DeFreitas

TT Unified Teachers’ Association (TTUTA) head Antonia DeFreitas called on Education Minister Anthony Garcia on Friday to meet urgently with all stakeholders.

In an interview, DeFreitas said it is necessary for the minister to meet not only with TTUTA but the National Parents Teachers Association (NPTA) and the Ministry of Health.

Responding to Garcia's statement on Wednesday, that the NPTA and TTUTAt have not raised any complaints or concerns , DeFreitas said the minister was “absolutely correct he has not received any complaints” – because he failed to meet with them.

“He has absolutely refused to meet with TTUTA, notwithstanding our repeated request to do so, and in this critical scenario.

“We do believe the Education Ministry, the Ministry of Health and TTUTA should be looking to partner along with the PTA to treat with this issue,” she said.


DeFreitas said TTUTA has serious concerns about community spread of the virus amongst the school population

She said the meeting is necessary because precautions submitted by the Ministry of Health are to be followed.

“But the fact of the matter is, the schools are limited in the capacity to purchase the necessary supplies, sSuch as sanitizing agents, hand sanitisers and liquid soap,...I understand the ministry has distributed liquid soap, but how long would it last? We are uncertain.

“Do we have the adequate staff to sanitise the school environment consistently during the course of the day?"

DeFreitas said she received a report from a school about a student who hadbeen coughing and sneezing, with a runny nose for week, and whose parents refused to keep the child home or to respond when the school tried to contact them.

She said such situations could possibly facilitate community spread when there are children in close proximity.

Additionally, DeFreitas said there are children, teachers and staff who are asthmatic, diabetic or hypertensive and more vulnerable than others. She said they must be treated differently.

“They are at-risk cases and in those cases we have to be extra vigilant.

"What TTUTA would like to see is that the Minister of Education meet with NPTA, TTUTA and the Ministry of Health to discuss what the ministry’s plans are in terms of containment of the virus should there be a situation of spread.


“We are concerned about our members as it stands. Cancelling sports activities in one district may be a possible remedy. But we still have students coming together in assembly."

She said there is also the issue of students and parents interacting outside school.

DeFreitas said TTUTA is constantly advising teachers, parents and students to follow the guidelines from the Ministry of Health.

Newsday was unable to contact the NPTA.


"TTUTA: Garcia, meet us to discuss covid19"

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