Policeman killed in 'hit'

THE Police Service is today mourning the death of one of its own and at the same time, searching the killers.
Brief reports last night were that Police Constable Kryston A. Ramirez who was last working in the Guard and Emergency Branch (GEB) was shot in the head while at Classic Bar in Arima.
Police sources said that at 3.30 am, two men dressed in Muslim garb arrived at the bar and while standing at the entrance, one of them pointed a gun at PC Ramirez and fired. The 32-year-old officer who was struck in the head, slumped the ground and died.
The gunman and his accomplice then fled the scene. No one else was injured. A large police contingent swarmed the area and carried out a search in the Printeryville and Carapo areas for the killers, but up to press time, no arrest was made.
PC Ramirez lived in Fifth Street Extension, Peytonville in Arima. His body was removed to the Forensic Science Centre in St James for autopsy.
"Policeman killed in ‘hit’"