PM, do like Portugal and legalise all drugs

THE EDITOR: The Prime Minister is to be commended for “softening” his approach to the question of decriminalisation of marijuana by putting a government team in place to open a simple straightforward dialogue in the country. It is to be hoped that such dialogue could result in the legalisation of all drugs.

Conservatively, 70 per cent of crime in our country is drug related. Ostensibly, we could have the situation of emptying the jails, freeing up the courts, removal of the remand yard, elimination of gangs and gang warfare. Just like alcohol, the Government could tax the product and use such taxes to establish rehab centres for alcoholics and drug abusers.

The cost of the drug problem in our country, judging by the human degradation, murders, family life deterioration, productivity decline, incarceration, the clogging up of the legal system, is incalculable.

Portugal is the only country, that I know of, that took the bold step of legalising drugs some seven years ago. The results are astounding. Don’t take my word for it. Google Portugal and see for yourself.

The so-called war on drugs is a monumental disaster. It amazes me that world leaders have the solution in front of them and will do nothing about it (except Portugal). Could it be that they have “irons in the fire” and do not wish to solve the problem?


I would like to urge the Prime Minister and the Government to become trailblazers in this part of the hemisphere and take the bold step of legalising all drugs. Mr PM, you stand to make our country much better almost overnight. What have you got to lose?

F MOUTTET, Westmoorings


"PM, do like Portugal and legalise all drugs"

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