Success for threedespite disability

THE EDITOR: I was pleased to see the newspapers highlighting three visually impaired students who wrote the SEA examination this year and were successful.

This was refreshing since the focus after this exam is generally on the top-placed students, while there is little coverage on the achievements of students such as these.

All three students were born blind but they have not allowed their disability to deny them from achieving their goals to pass for the secondary schools of their choice. They have shown that hard work has great rewards.

Their accomplishments show there are equal opportunities provided in our schools for all students despite their disability.

I credit the Ministry of Education for providing the necessary assistants who helped these three visually impaired students to prepare for the exam.


I am also aware the ministry normally makes available Braille machines, large print copy books and other tools which would have helped these students tremendously. Their teachers, parents and all those who would have contributed to their success must be thanked also.



"Success for threedespite disability"

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