$1,000 ‘fine’ for stolen passports

THE EDITOR: In May our home was burglarised. A fireproof box containing some jewellery and important personal documents, including passports, was stolen.

After reporting the robbery, the work of replacing the stolen documents began. Many weeks later, we were finally able to get an “early” appointment for our passports. We travelled from Port of Spain to Point Fortin in the hope of having our passports in time for the July-August holidays.

We were surprised when we were told by the very polite and efficient officers that we would be called in two to three weeks, at which time we would then be told the cost to replace the stolen passports. We were puzzled by this and asked if there was not a standard policy. We did not get a proper answer.

In the interim, our son’s birth certificate arrived and we were able to apply for his US passport, since both his US and TT passports were stolen. The appointment went smoothly and we were told it would arrive in the mail in five to ten working days. The cost was the same as for a new or renewal passport.

The Immigration Office in Point Fortin called two weeks later asking us to return to finalise the process and pay the necessary fees. We had to pay a “fine” of $1,000 per passport and we still have to wait eight to 12 weeks. There is no justice in this land.


JT LEIBA, Morvant


"$1,000 ‘fine’ for stolen passports"

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