TTCSI: Woman, you are precious

On March 8 we will once again celebrate International Women’s Day and it gives me utmost joy to extend greetings to all women and girls and remind you that you are precious – precious for who you are.
As a woman, you know how to sacrifice, how to simile through a storm, how to eat less and provide more for your family, when to talk and when to remain silent and importantly you know that you are a woman and only you can bring another human into this world. So, there is much to celebrate.
Today, I join every woman and girl in celebrating this day that has been designated for us.
In a special way, I recognise my TTCSI directors – Oneika Bushell, Kimberly Chan and Lorraine Pouchet.
Upon reflection of this year’s theme, Accelerate Action, I found it to resonate with me as I believe that it is important to accelerate action to achieve our goals in life.
In many instances, if we do not accelerate our actions to achieve our personal goals for family, education, to climb the professional ladder or to occupy a level of financial independence and to take our rightful place in society, no one will do it for us. We must, therefore, outline our path and accelerate action to get to the place and occupy the space for which we aim.
This will take careful strategy and sacrifice, but we must not be daunted. We must create networks, partnerships and alliances to support our thrust.
These are not words for the business community only. It is for each of us and applicable in every circumstance. For example, if you desire to become a doctor, you may focus on alliances with those in the medical arena who may be able to guide you. In the same manner, if you wish to occupy any other space – technician, mechanic, labourer, plumber, doctor or CEO – you may align with those in that field to tap into their resources and thus aid your acceleration to get to where you wish.
You must carefully design and accelerate your action to succeed. And you will.
Growing up, despite having a 100 per cent support from my parents, I had to accelerate my own actions to move from phase to phase and it took time, dedication, tears, reduced hours of sleep and sacrifices beyond measure. Hence, I can say to every woman today, your dream may only be a few steps away from becoming a reality but you must sustain your action in that direction.
Today, I serve in various fora at the international level and I utilise my skills to support and mentor scores of people both as an educator and personally.
I feel assured that with the right support, you will be in a position to do the same.
There have been many stories about stereotypes, discrimination, biases and more against women in the workplace, in the home or in school. I have every reason to believe they do exist as my experiences have taught me that the workplace can be described as one of the most discriminatory or bias places if the leader of the organisation is not equipped with the professionalism, competency, training and skillset to understand the importance of fairness in treating with people – not particularly women, but all people regardless of your sex.
True leadership is about bringing out the best in everyone, elevating and compensating everyone based on merit.
Objectiveness and fair play in compensation, terms and conditions, mentoring and coaching must be the hallmark of what we do as leaders.
Those leading our country, schools, homes and organisations must subscribe to fairness.
There will be exceptions for those who may not be willing to move further up the success ladder and this too can be dealt with professionally.
My recommendations to all women are to support each other and embrace the areas highlighted by the International Women’s Day promotions and includes inter alia, the support for women and girls into leadership, decision-making about health, food security, access to education and training and the promotion of creative and artistic talent.
Once we take these on board, we may travel a smoother road ahead.
To the women in leadership, my recommendation is that you continue to stand strong, assert yourself, continue to embrace every opportunity to improve your skillset and prepare for elevation to the next chapter in your strategy. This may take sacrifices, ignoring the pressures that come with the territory or in your home. It may appear all-round at times and your finances may be lower than you wish, but all of these can be for a short time once you remain steadfast on what you desire for you. There is no need to challenge every item that may appear unfair, unjust or clearly bias.
Your determination to achieve your goal is the key. Your willpower will speak for you.
My experiences have taught me that challenges come to make us stronger and it comes with blessings and opportunities inside of it.
Never be afraid of challenges, instead, I implore you to embrace every challenge and step forward and upward into to the full realm of your dream.
When you do, kindly share your success story with the world, as no one will share it for you.
My fellow women and girls, today I pray that you remain proud of who you are, that you will smile and say I love you to yourself first, your loved ones and enjoy the beauty of being woman.
"TTCSI: Woman, you are precious"