RC deacon: Replace sin with love at Lent

ROMAN Catholic deacon Roland Joseph urged parishioners at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Port of Spain to try to get closer to God by choosing love over sin, in his message for the start of Lent.
He spoke on Ash Wednesday (March 5) to a congregation that included pupils from Nelson St Girls' RC School, Nelson St Boys' RC School and Bethlehem Boys' RC School.
Joseph marked the sign of a cross on each person's forehead using ash which he said was both a symbol of the sin in each of our lives and a reminder that God made Adam out of dust.
"Lent is a time of prayer and getting right with the Father. We say, 'Father forgive me, because I have sinned.'
"We need to seek forgiveness from the Lord."
Preaching largely to the youngsters present, Joseph said sin may arise when people say hurtful words to others, disobey their parents or steal things.
"Sin can prevent us from loving. So we ask the Lord for forgiveness
"When we do not love one another, we are actually sinning."
He suggested ways for youngsters to observe Lent, a 40-day period recalling Jesus Christ's 40 days in the wilderness fasting and rejecting temptation where Christians now express regret for their sins.
"In Lent, we can pray more. We can go to confession. We sacrifice in Lent."
Joseph suggested children can give up certain television shows that they usually enjoy watching.
"We are saying to God, 'I love You more than this TV show."
He said one form of sacrifice at Lent could also mean a child helping their parents at home.
"Sacrifice also involves spending less money."
He said children can try to put aside some of their pocket-money to give to the poor.
Joseph encouraged the youngsters to remind their parents to attend church during Lent.
"A sacrifice means attending mas regularly.
"You are required to attend mas every Sunday."
He said during Lent, worshippers should abstain from meat each Friday.
"In fasting, there are hunger pains but scripture says do not put on long faces," he advised, recalling the injunction to instead anoint one's head with oil, wash one's face, and smile.
He said anyone should not parade this fact before friends but keep it secret, so only God knows.
"The Lenten season will only be fruitful if we put our all into it."
Joseph also reminded all to pray for Pope Francis who is now seriously ill, with daily health updates on his condition issued globally.
"RC deacon: Replace sin with love at Lent"