Honouring Calypso Rose

THA Chief Secretary Farley Augustine chats with Calypso Rose  on August 19 in New York.  - courtesy Derek Parsons
THA Chief Secretary Farley Augustine chats with Calypso Rose on August 19 in New York. - courtesy Derek Parsons

Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly Farley Augustine chats with Calypso Rose aka Linda McCartha Sandy-Lewis on August 19 in Brooklyn, New York, as she holds a plaque in her honour from the Tobago Empowerment and Alliance Mission (TEAM).

TEAM honoured Rose as part of its Tobago Day celebration which was highlighted on August 18 in the courtyard of the Nazareth High School, 475E 57th Street, Brooklyn, New York. The event featured various elements of Tobago’s cultural heritage: music, dance and food.

Augustine addressed the celebration. He was accompanied by a contingent comprising THA officials, tourism stakeholders and several of Tobago’s leading artistes.


"Honouring Calypso Rose"

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