'Sunday lime with Patrick' to launch biography of late PM

St Vincent and Grenadines Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves signs a poster at the launch of Manning: Faith & Vision, a biography of former prime minister Patrick Manning, at NAPA, Port of Spain on June 9. - Photo by Roger Jacob
St Vincent and Grenadines Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves signs a poster at the launch of Manning: Faith & Vision, a biography of former prime minister Patrick Manning, at NAPA, Port of Spain on June 9. - Photo by Roger Jacob

There was a "Sunday lime with Patrick" at the National Academy for Performing Arts, Port of Spain, according to his widow Hazel Manning, as friends, former colleagues and well-wishers came out for the launch of a biography of the late former prime minister.

The event, at the Lord Kitchener Auditorium at the National Academy for Performing Arts, included the Prime Minister and his wife, Port of Spain mayor Chinua Alleyne (Manning's nephew), St Vincent and Grenadines Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves (Manning's close friend since their UWI days) and his wife.

 Hazel Manning, centre, widow of  former prime minister Patrick Manning, pictured with son Brian Manning and members of the biography committee at the launch of Manning: Faith & Vision, at NAPA in Port of Spain on Sunday. - Photo by Roger Jacob

Reflecting on her late husband’s fondness for Sunday gatherings, the former education minister shared colourful memories.

“Normally on a Sunday evening, Patrick would say, 'But look how good this house looking – let’s invite some people over.' He would pick up the phone and make the calls. Soon there would be a large number of people at the house.”

She described how Manning would prepare a bar with drinks while she made food, including pone, sweetbread, saltfish and hops.

“Guests would settle down to old talk, loud laughter and even louder jokes, which would continue into the early morning.”

She said Manning loved the music of Kitchener, and amidst the noise and laughter, there were often lively debates and discussions, always in a climate of camaraderie and good conversation, aimed at finding ways to improve TT.

She invited everyone to relax and enjoy the evening in the spirit of the gatherings they used to have with Patrick.

A signed poster at the launch of Manning: Faith and Vision, a biography of former prime minister Patrick Manning at NAPA, Port of Spain on June 9. - Photo by Roger Jacob

Prof Emerita Bridget Brereton, from UWI’s Department of History, who wrote the book, recounted being asked to undertake this significant project.

“Years ago, I was invited to Mrs Manning’s lovely home, where she asked me to write a biography of her late husband. I was immensely flattered and honoured, but also surprised, as I didn’t know Mr Manning personally.”

Brereton expressed gratitude to Hazel Manning, her sons Brian and David, the committee, and contributors for their support.

St Vincent and Grenadines Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves chats with Anglican Bishop Claude Berkley and former Port of Spain mayor Murchison Brown at the launch of Manning: Faith and Vision on Sunday. - Photo by Roger Jacob

She said the biography is over 400 pages long and includes extracts from essays by 50 individuals who knew Manning in various capacities throughout his career.

Brereton said some of the best were written by individuals who were or are today leading members of the opposition.

“One of them said it was easy to disagree with Manning, but it was impossible to dislike him.”

Former Miss Universe Wendy Fitzwilliam recalled her interactions with Manning, describing his support for young people as unwavering. She applauded his visionary approach and commitment to the nation’s development, particularly through initiatives like the University of TT.

Fitzwilliam described how Manning saw potential in her at their first meeting in 1998, when he was leader of the opposition and shared an anecdote about a planning meeting for the relaunch of UTT’s programme in 2005, when she convinced Manning to include Bunji Garlin.

She said during that meeting, Manning demonstrated a willingness to listen, learn and adapt.


"‘Sunday lime with Patrick’ to launch biography of late PM"

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