Guitarist Joey Ng Wai conscious, responding

THE family of guitarist and producer Joey Ng Wai says he has regained consciousness amid his ongoing battle with pneumonia.
The musician has been at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the Port of Spain General Hospital since December 29 and was sedated.
The popular guitarist has performed with numerous bands over the years, including Second Imij and Frantic.
On January 3, his sister Sharon Ng Wai-Pantin had told Newsday he got the flu and tried to treat it at home, but to no avail.
She said he also has sleep apnea – a disorder in which breathing stops and starts repeatedly during sleep.
He was intubated to assist his breathing.
In an update to Newsday on January 4, a relieved Ng Wai-Pantin told Newsday there was "recognition" from her brother.
"Which means that he's come out of the sedation and he is aware."
She noted that he remains intubated.
"I asked him simple things. I told him who was there with him and he just looked – eyes open – then I asked him if he needed a pillow and he nodded his head twice.
"It may sound like nothing but it's a big, big thing. The recognition that we are there and coming back out of what he's in..."
She said although the road to full recovery is long, she is thankful, as "this is the start."
She said after Newsday's initial report on January 3, many people had been contacting the family offering thoughts and prayers.
Asked for an update on January 5, she said he remains intubated in the ICU but his kidney functions are improving.
"Tears came from his eyes, which was so hard to see, but good to see, too, because he (can feel) emotions...I explained to him what is happening to him, the date, the time, the year, making sure that he's aware of all of that."
She said doctors continue to monitor him and praised them for the "brilliant" work they have been doing.
"There are people calling me from around this whole world with area codes that I don't even know, and it's wonderful and they're giving us so much encouragement, love and strength. I truly thank everybody for that."
She said they remain hopeful.
"Guitarist Joey Ng Wai conscious, responding"