Bureau of Standards hosts ISO governance conference

TT Bureau of Standards chairman Lawford Dupres. -
TT Bureau of Standards chairman Lawford Dupres. -

The issue of governance standards is the topic under discussion at the Ninth Plenary meeting of the ISO/Technical Committee (TC) 309, which is meeting in TT for the first time. It is a milestone for the TT Bureau of Standards (TTBS) as the organisation is the head of the committee.

Speaking during the opening ceremony on Monday, of the week-long event, which will include working group meetings, at the Hilton Hotel and Conference Centre, TTBS chairman Lawford Dupres said the bureau recently adopted four governance-related standards: Governance of organisations – Guidance TTS/ISO 37000:2022; Anti-bribery management systems TTS/ISO 37001:2022; whistleblowing management systems TTS/ISO 37002:2022, and compliance management systems 37301:2022.

“Effective governance is essential for maintaining order and stability within any organisation, and it is critical for building trust and confidence among stakeholders. Effective governance can help organisations achieve their goals, manage risks, and navigate complex challenges. Standards play a significant role to provide the supporting processes, practices, and guidance.”

He said the bureau’s efforts, along with those of the conference attendees, would help to strengthen and refine TT’s national quality infrastructure (NQI) system to better equip public and private institutions to deliver high quality and services in an efficient and sustainable manner.

“The NQI is an ecosystem of stakeholders, consumers, regulators, and businesses alike, working collaboratively to ensure the development of our nation towards improving the quality of life for our citizens through the application of technical tools such as standards and related conformity issues.”

Trade and Industry Ministry permanent secretary Ayleen Alleyne-Ovid said the suite of governance standards adopted by the TTBS provides critical guidance for the development of robust frameworks for improving governance practices and building management systems that address relevant issues, such as whistleblowing, anti-bribery and corruption in a systematic way.

“It must be emphasized that good governance is also a precursor to an organisations’ sustainability and long term viability. It is essential to reshaping outdated business models, practices and strategies, especially in an era of rapid digital transformation. Good governance also contributes to social and environmental integrity.”

She said the adoption and use of ISO governance standards enhances trust, transparency, accountability and overall risk management in organisations across different sectors and industries. She said this will then promote sound decision-making by executives, strengthen the organisation’s resilience and improve stakeholder engagement and service delivery.

“Promoting good governance is a priority of the Government to enhance policy making and resource allocation; foster efficiencies in public institutions; promote a more equitable distribution of income and wealth; increase the country’s global competitiveness; and enhance its investment potential.”

Alleyne-Ovid said TT has been involved in the work of the ISO Technical Committee 309 since its inception in 2018 and has participated in the process of developing these essential standards.

Technical officer – standards for the Caricom Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ) Fulgence St Prix said the organisation is a network of national standards bureaus of the 25 member states of Caricom.

“Since the advent of CROSQ we have worked assiduously to increase participation in the ISO. Six member states have full membership, three have associate membership, and two have subscribing membership. Before the next general assembly, Haiti is to become a full member. We want by 2030 to have full membership for all member states.

“We want to be a part of the leadership of technical committees, as well as at the organisational level. We have the mantra that those who show up change the world.”

The TTBS will be hosting an integrated governance seminar as part of the proceedings which will feature presentations related to best practices in governance from local, regional, and international experts, including from countries such as Nigeria, China, South Africa, France, Germany and St Lucia.


"Bureau of Standards hosts ISO governance conference"

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