Retiree dies in La Brea accident

The San Fernando General Hospital.  - File photo by Ayanna Kinsale
The San Fernando General Hospital. - File photo by Ayanna Kinsale

A La Brea retiree is dead following an accident just after midnight on March 16.

According to reports, John Duncan, 64, of Marshall Street, a retiree of the Ministry of Works and Transport, was driving along New Jersey Road, La Brea, when the white Nissan AD wagon he was driving began to swerve before crashing into a concrete box drain.

Duncan’s front-seat passenger told police on reaching the vicinity of Station Beach, he bawled out, “Oh Lord” and clutched his chest.

She said she jumped out the car before it crashed into the drain. She then checked and Duncan was unresponsive. Acting Cpl Ramnarine and PC Jacob visited the scene of the crash along with EMTs who checked for vital signs.

District Medical Officer Johanna De Gannes pronounced Duncan dead and ordered removal of his body to the San Fernando General Hospital’s mortuary for a post-mortem examination.



"Retiree dies in La Brea accident"

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