Reject race-baiting on political platform

THE EDITOR: Today, I must express my disgust at the approach taken by the United National Congress and its members to publicly stir racial tension and divisiveness within TT.
For the past few days I have heard and seen the most racial, ethnological comments and memes coming from individuals within the opposition who claim to seek the best for this country.
The unprovoked attacks have been aimed at prime minister-designate Stuart Young, owing to his deep-rooted connection to South Trinidad.
In their cottage meeting recently, senior members of the UNC spent most of their time on the podium attempting to convince the people of this country, using lies and bigotry, that Young has no connection to the "grassroots" citizens and that he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth.
Deputy political leader Jearlean John, as usual, not having anything of substance to provide to the citizens, used her time on stage to mock the name of East Indians – Lal Beharry, Ramesh and Rajesh.
These are the people that aspire to lead this country and count on the same Lal Beharrys, Rameshes and Rajeshes to vote for them.
Instead of using her deep powerful voice to tell us the citizens how they plan to improve society, John could only use her time to create hate and division. These are the same people that claim that they want unity.
John and her colleagues need to let us know who will represent them in the so-called dissent seats; that is the info we need.
Young has proven time and time again to be of much higher quality and standards than most of the people attacking him using race as a factor.
As a citizen of this country I have no issue with the UNC calling out Mr Young on a failed policy. However, they cannot find fault in his work ethic or his performance as a minister, so they are attacking his ethnicity. These people and their statements are blatanly racist and no right-thinking citizen should stand for it.
The members of the UNC, especially their leader, need to recognise that gone are the days when character assassination, race and mudslinging win elections. The population is more educated and expect a higher standard of representation.
The opposition, obviously out of ideas, has been trying everything humanly possible to generate support. What's unfortunate is they continue to take the low road. Their continuous lies and propaganda have become stale and the new generation of voters have begun to call them out on their foolishness.
I urge the citizens of this country to observe the political campaigning for this coming election and vote on substance.
Gone are the days of tribal politics and propaganda.
We will never forgive the UNC for Cambridge Analytica and for exposing the citizens of this country just so they could acquire power.
Nigel Seenathsingh
San Fernando
"Reject race-baiting on political platform"