Good service at Grande hospital

THE EDITOR: On November 19, I kept a scheduled appointment at the Sangre Grande District Hospital in order to undergo a same-day surgical procedure on my left forearm.
On arrival, I was pleasantly surprised at the brand-new, state-of-the-art facility, fully equipped with the most modern facilities provided for the people of Sangre Grande and environs.
At the surgical ward, I was kindly greeted by Dr Janika Lee Isidore, who ushered me to a bed and proceeded to perform the preliminary procedures in preparation for my surgery.
Following this, the surgery was performed by Dr Austin Rampersad, Dr Deonarine and other ancillary staff. At the conclusion of my surgery, I was subsequently discharged from the institution.
I was indeed impressed by the courteous and clinical manner in which these professionals performed their duties. Their efficient service, coupled with their politeness, ensured the visit was pleasant and swift.
I must emphasise that whenever members of the public encounter poor service at these public institutions, no time is wasted in highlighting their dissatisfaction.
Likewise, when excellent service is rendered, praise and thanks are quite appropriate to be showered on these professionals.
Special commendation must also be given to the members of the Eastern Regional Health Authority for working assiduously in getting the hospital fully operationalised before the year 2024 comes to an end.
Sangre Grande
"Good service at Grande hospital"