TTUTA wants 'normalcy' at Sando Central Secondary as rotations resume

San Fernando Central Secondary School, known to many as ModSec, will continue classes on a rotational basis for the upcoming week according to a letter sent to students.
The letter dated September 27 and signed by principal Cindy Khan said the schedule was approved by the Ministry of Education and will run from September 30 to October 4. During the period, the ministry would be looking into providing additional toilet facilities to allow a return to 100 per cent daily classes.
Newsday was unable to get a comment from Minister of Education Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly. However, TT Unified Teachers' Association president Martin Lum Kin said he understands the ministry is considering placing temporary toilet facilities for female students.
"We understand it would be an upgraded version of the portable toilets."
He expressed concern, however, as to where these toilets would be placed, especially to minimise disruption to other classes.
"We are a bit concerned as to where these toilets would be positioned. We hope that it would not disrupt other classes, especially the physical education classes, and we continue to hope the Ministry of Education would put all matters in place so that the school can return to a semblance of normalcy whereby all students can have classes every day.
"We will not, though, compromise the health and safety of our members and by extension the occupants of the compound."
This week's schedule would see a shift from the rotation instituted last week and what was initially proposed and later rescinded for the period.
The rotation went into effect on September 25 and in a letter two days prior, showed all examination classes (Forms Five and Sixes) would have daily classes while Forms One to Four would be rotated. A similar schedule was put forth for this week, in the same letter. However, a subsequent letter dated September 25 removed the schedule for the September 30-October 4 period
The new rotation for the upcoming week would see Forms Six, Five and Two have two days of classes: Tuesday and Thursday. However, Forms One, Three and Four would have classes on three days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
This would mean the examination classes would have, since the rotation went into effect, five days of classes while Forms One and Two had three days and Forms Three and Four had four days.
The school's September 25 letter to parents explained classes were switched to a rotation basis due to infrastructure issues at Blocks E and F which house the female toilets and Visual and Performing Arts rooms respectively.
"In light of these safety concerns, the school will operate its classes on a rotational schedule to accommodate the use of teaching rooms and limited wash-room facilities, until such time as construction work, overseen by the Ministry of Education, is completed. This adjustment is necessary to ensure all students have access to a safe learning environment," the notice said.
Gadsby-Dolly subsequently told Newsday a team from the Ministry of Works and Transport evaluated the structures and advised they needed to be demolish and rebuilt.
"TTUTA wants ‘normalcy’ at Sando Central Secondary as rotations resume"