TTMA calls for solutions on ports, VAT

TRINIDAD and Tobago Manufacturers Association (TTMA) re-elected president Roger Roach has called for solutions to outstanding VAT refunds and delays in processing and releasing goods at the nation’s ports.
Roach made these calls at TTMA’s AGM at the Hyatt Regency, Port of Spain on March 26.
He recalled the Finance Minister’s plans in the 2020-2021 budget to operationalise the Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago and introduce a private sector operator to assist with handling the port’s operations.
He said Cabinet then appointed a committee, chaired by Public Administration Minister Allison West, which produced a report on the potential of the port.
"I ask today, what is the status of the public/private partnership with regard to this project?"
Private sector operations at the port would give access to private capital, provide better land utilisation, increase security and improve efficiency, Roach said.
"All of these elements will improve the ease of doing business," he said. "We look forward to an actionable policy at the earliest opportunity."
He also touched on VAT returns, as 46 TTMA members are still owed $500 million in outstanding refunds.
"It is no secret that the current system is not working. And we know the Minister of Finance and the highly qualified technocrats in the finance ministry are aware of this," he said. "The TTMA put forward several recommendations to this, to resolve this issue over the years. We stand ready to have meaningful discussions to provide actionable solutions to this perennial problem but for some reason, the powers that be not making this a priority and we call on them to do so."
He also mentioned the Beverage Container Bill, saying the association hopes to have seven areas modified in keeping with best practices.
Minister of Trade and Industry, Paula Gopee-Scoon, in her remarks at the AGM, responded to Roach's remarks saying the government is working assiduously on improving the ease of doing business. She said the Beverage Container Bill is before the Financing General Paper committee which was expected to meet on Tuesday. She added that she will speak on the matter during the committee meeting and ensure that their suggestions are incorporated in the Bill.
On the port issue, Gopee-Scoon said Ministers Allyson West, Rohan Sinanan and Stuart Young were all working on the development of policies to modernise the port.
“I know it's at the point where Minister West this weekend had a mountain of work to read through and so the work is active, but it's also voluminous.”
On VAT returns, Gopee-Scoon echoed the Finance Minister’s commitment to reworking the system, which he made while answering questions in the Senate on Monday.
The AGM included the re-election of Roach as TTMA's president for a second term.
Also returning as vice presidents are Emil Ramkissoon, Dale Parson, Barry Fakoory and Rudy Rampersad.
Three new directors – Jonathan Garcia, Jane Wight and Marcus Sun Kow – were also elected to the board.
"TTMA calls for solutions on ports, VAT"