Chote: Review system for awarding silk

Law Association president Sophia Chote, SC.  -
Law Association president Sophia Chote, SC. -

Sophia Chote, SC, immediate past president of the Law Association (LATT), has said the process for awarding the title of senior counsel ("silk") to lawyers ought to be reviewed.

She sent a brief statement to Newsday by text in response to questions after the President awarded the status to 17 attorneys on Monday, includiung her husband and brother.

One more lawyer is due to be elevated to silk.

Newsday asked if the system needed a review, especially as the Prime Minister seemed to have the ultimate say over this aspect of the legal profession, and whether other jurisdictions similar to Trinidad and Tobago have reviewed their processes.

Chote replied, "I agree that the system needs to be reviewed and LATT through its membership did a report on the matter in 2017 recommending changes in the process. "The Law Commission also did a report recommending changes."


She said the system for appointment varied from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

Chote concluded, "Our current system is outdated and the report of LATT should be given serious consideration by the officials responsible for changing the procedure."


"Chote: Review system for awarding silk"

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