Independent senator: Wait for Solomon Hochoy Highway enquiry to sit

INDEPENDENT Senator Dr Varma Deyalsingh has suggested that Government should not proceed with the Churchill Roosevelt Highway Extension project until the commission of enquiry (CoE) into the Solomon Hochoy Highway extension project completes its work.
He made this suggestion in the debate on a motion decision by President Christine Kangaloo on the acquisition of land for the Churchill Roosevelt Highway Extension to Manzanilla Phase One from Cumuto Junction to Toco Main Road, Chainage.
Deyalsingh said problems with land acquisition have plagued successive PNM and UNC governments in the past.
He recalled Government's decision to set up the Solomon Hochoy Highway extension project CoE, after concerns were raised about land acquisition for that project under the former UNC-led People's Partnership government.
The members of the CoE were sworn in on July 16, 2019. A statement from the Office of the President on that day, said retired justice Sebastien Ventour would chair the commission and he would be assisted by attorney Gregory Delzin as a commissioner.
At that time, attorney Reginald Armour, SC, was the commission's counsel. He was to be assisted by junior counsel Vanessa Gopaul and Rishi Dass.
Armour replaced San Fernando West MP Faris Al-Rawi as Attorney General in a Cabinet reshuffle on March 16, 2022. Armour resigned as counsel to the CoE owing to this appointment.
The CoE was first announced by Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister Stuart Young at a post-Cabinet news conference at the Diplomatic Centre, St Ann's on July 11, 2019.
Its terms of reference include finding out whether the ministerial oversight committee for the project established in 2011, under the then PP government, had fulfilled its mandate.
Part of that mandate included either acquiring or taking steps to acquire properties that are no longer required for the construction of the project.
The committee was chaired by former prime minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar. Other members were former ministers Winston Dookeran, Dr Roodal Moonilal, Jack Warner, Dr Bhoendradatt Tewarie, Kevin Ramnarine, Chandresh Sharma, Stephen Cadiz, Emmanuel George and Stacy Roopnarine.
The commission was to make findings, observations and recommendations arising out of its deliberations as to whether there was any breach of duty by any person or entity; grounds for criminal or civil proceedings against any people or entities; whether civil proceedings should be recommended to the AG for consideration; and whether the State used the appropriate best practice in acquiring land for public purposes.
On March 22, 2020, Al-Rawi said the CoE would proceed despite the covid19 pandemic.
"The CoE call for papers and submissions under the commission will proceed and will be announced in the days ahead."
The CoE's hearings were to be held at Tower D of the Port of Spain International Waterfront Centre.
Last April, government officials, speaking on condition of anonymity said the CoE "is getting ready to start to sit." Those hearings were supposed to be both in-person and virtual.
None of the officials gave specific details of when the hearings would begin.
In response to Deyalsingh, Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan said the process used for land acquisition for the Churchill Roosevelt Highway extension was different from that used for the Solomon Hochoy Highway extension.
The former involved the National Infrastructure Development Company (Nidco) being the project's executor but the Commissioner of Valuations determined the value of the land to be acquired to build the highway.
Sinanan said the latter under the PP was "money paying out...who get, get...who didn't get, sorry for you."
He disagreed with Deyalsingh that the Churchill Highway Roosevelt extension was not needed.
Sinanan offered to take Deyalsingh on a drive from Valsayn to Sangre Grande without their priority bus route passes and see how long it took them to get there.
The motion was passed.
The Senate adjourned to a date to be fixed
"Independent senator: Wait for Solomon Hochoy Highway enquiry to sit"