No need for Farley to panic

THE EDITOR: The Prime Minister, experienced politician that he is, has succeeded in ruffling the feathers of Chief Secretary Farley Augustine.
It is clear from Augustine's terse response, that Dr Rowley has clearly gotten under his by laying out the reasons why there should be an early return to the polls, given the resignations from the PDP and formation of a new political party.
The PDP, left we forget, was the political party under whose banner Farley and his group won the last THA election. His intemperate outburst to Dr Rowley speaks volumes.
Clearly, any matter that is of concern to Tobago ought to be a concern to every citizen in both islands. It is all of our business as we are one nation.
Moreover, there are many Trinidadians who have deep roots in Tobago and vice versa; including me.
Mr Augustine's response of, "why you don't mind your damn business," is extremely insulting not just to the PM who is a Tobagonian, but to Trinidadians.
One may be tempted to ask whether there is a hidden secessionist agenda, especially against the background of similar remarks made within recent times. Remember, it was Mr Augustine who recently expressed concern at the horde of Trinidadian licensing officers who descended on Tobago to terrorise the locals.
There is no need for Mr Augustine to panic in the face of prime ministerial challenges.
Mr Augustine could even call Rowley's bluff and go back to the polls. Yes, he may lose two or three seats out of the 14 won under a PDP banner, but Augustine will still win the elections and rather handsomely.
I do not think public opinion in Tobago has shifted so significantly since the last THA elections as to reverse the PNM's fortunes in an early elections. Mr Augustine was the draw card in the last THA elections, not Watson Duke.
The other option Mr Augustine has is to formally adopt all the policies, programmes, plans articulated during campaigning in the run-up to the last THA elections. In other words, get down to brass tacks and do the work which Tobagonians elected him to do.
This would demonstrate that Mr Augustine and his team (under whatever name they are now calling themselves – independents or TPP) would have kept true to the faith which the electorate placed in them and thus negate the need for an early election.
The ball is in Mr Augustine's court.
St Augustine
"No need for Farley to panic"