Why school indiscipline escalating

THE EDITOR: The Minister of Education and teachers cannot pinpoint the reasons for the escalating indiscipline in schools.
Being at home for two and a half years due to the covid19 pandemic and unable to go out have psychologically affected these youngsters, who are expressing their frustration daily.
Many reasons for the school violence can be related to what these children are exposed to in their homes.
Domestic violence, child abuse and other types of bad behaviour do not help them in the slightest.
And those children who have televisions in their homes are exposed to many horrid movies and film clips that depict more violence in its worst form.
Many students are challenged with the school work as the teachers are pushing them to make up for the lost years, which is stressing them out. Therefore they are getting release by fighting.
And when you add the example being set by our parliamentarians, it comes as no surprise.
Except our educators can't see that.
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"Why school indiscipline escalating"