St Bernadette’s says farewell to Mrs Jacob

After 36 years at Holy Faith Prep (St Bernadette’s), St Ann’s, former teacher and vice principal Rosalie Jacob was honoured at her retirement function on July 6. St Bernadette’s invited former students and teachers, parents and current students to pay homage to a woman who has devoted her life to the holistic development of her students.
The function, hosted by administrative assistance Sheraine Joseph, began promptly at 9:30 am with the national anthem and school song. This was followed by welcome remarks by principal Anne-Marie Boisson, who wished Jacob all the best in her future endeavours. Standard five student Amelia Geawan performed a song titled The Climb, and was followed by the standard five class recitation of Our Purpose, a poem written by Chantal Blanc and Angelo Eifell. The class also sang one of their original compositions titled Our Purpose.
The junior infants, senior infants and standard one students performed I have a Dream, for which they received a standing ovation. Subsequently, standards four and five students combined to perform You Raise Me Up, to which standard five student Kori Pierre danced.
Standards two and three eloquently recited a poem acclaiming Jacob’s contributions to the school. The poem was written by teacher Shelly-Ann Elms. Another noteworthy musical performance came from standard five student Chantal Blanc with Never Enough.
Nadia St Hillaire-Thomas, the junior infants class teacher, moved the audience to tears with her rendition of I will always love you.
The tribute speech was given by teacher Colette Daniel, who referred to Jacob as being more than a vice principal and a colleague.
“She’s a true friend, a true steward who devoted her time, talents and treasures to this institution. Mrs Jacob worked towards the holistic development of students,” Daniel said.
“There was never too much glitter for costumes. Her motto was ‘work hard play harder.’ She focused on more than academics. Jacob went all out for our events. Giving back during Lent and Advent, was a necessity. She encouraged St Bernadette’s to donate money to the less fortunate. She took care of the staff and treated us like her children, providing sound advice about work and personal life. She gave it straight and she was always thorough in every exchange.”
Daniel reminisced on the resounding laughter that would emanate from the staffroom during lunch and break intervals.
“We have to eat and we enjoyed your company while doing so. Rosalie, we thank you for the years of service, we love you.”
Parents were given the opportunity to give brief speeches, and Darryl Duke represented the fathers of St Bernadette’s.
“She’s a very spiritual person and she’s a true Trini at heart. She can switch between the Queen’s English and dialect instantaneously and then back to standard English again. She’s a member of our families and she will always be a member of the St Bernadette’s family,” Duke said.
Another parent, Jessie-Marie Chaves said, “Mrs Jacob welcomed my family. Over the years I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know her and everything she does comes straight from the heart, her love for this school, love for her colleagues and love for our children. You have touched generations. As a parent I am blessed to have met you, our children are that much richer. We’ve always been fascinated by your energy. It all comes from your passion for learning. She is a treasure to be cherished.”
Teacher Patricia Drysdale presented Jacob with a collage, capturing 36 years of memories and additional gifts.
“What Rosalie has taught us; we pass on to the younger generation of teachers. She took a gentle approach when guiding staff. We have a close bond as colleagues and we merge a holistic approach to teaching. Mrs Jacob is a very humble person and this is a lesson to us all,” Drysdale said.
Jacob expressed her gratitude to the staff and parents for their hard work.
“Thank you for the support and friendship shared over the years. The special gift of your presence is the greatest gift of all. Covid taught us to appreciate life even more,” she said, adding that the standard five class will be the strongest generation because of all the changes forced upon them by the covid 19 pandemic.
“You all will come out resilient. Congratulations on passing SEA. St Bernadette’s will always have an extra special place in my heart. Give always without remembering. Always receive without forgetting. This tribute is something I will never forget.”
"St Bernadette’s says farewell to Mrs Jacob"