Chinapoo new CEO of Guardian Holdings

Mr Ian Chinapoo, whose career in financial and banking service has spanned over 22 years has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer of Guardian Holdings limited.
According to a release sent to the media through the TT Stock Exchange, Chinapoo will take up the role from October 1.
Chinapoo worked with CIBC First Caribbean International Bank, Citigroup and Massy Holdings as Chief Financial Officer. He also has a BSc in accounting with first class honours from the UWI. He also lectures in the EMBA IMBA and MSc programmes at the Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business.
Chinapoo confirmed the move with Newsday in a phone conversation but did not wish to comment further.
Chinapoo will replace current CEO Ravi Tewari who was promoted to the CEO position in 2014.
In March, Guardian Holdings Limited announced that Tewari would demit office at the end of the year.
"Chinapoo new CEO of Guardian Holdings"