Period for renewing driver's permits extended to 2022

Cabinet has decided to extend the period for the renewal of expired driving permits, taxi driver licences, badges, certificates, or other documents issued by the Licensing Division.
In a release, the Ministry of Works and Transport said any transfer of vehicle registration required to be done on or before January 31, 2022 will be extended to February 1 next year.
The public can access the division’s website at to schedule an appointment or the ministry’s website at for more information.
Those with proof that they are travelling and who need to do vehicle transfers or renewals before the date of renewal can visit any licensing office without an appointment.
These amendments were made to sections 19 (7) and 61B of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, Chapter 48:50 which is operationalised by the Miscellaneous Provisions, 2019 Novel Coronavirus Act, 2020 section 7.
Transport Commissioner Clive Clarke told Newsday his team is working to increase online appointments from this week.
The division has been operating at 50 per cent capacity for the past months. Clarke said from this week the division will also increase staff at all of its offices to deal with the backlog.
The division will also integrate mobile licensing buses to reduce the number of in-office transactions and prevent overcrowding.
"Period for renewing driver’s permits extended to 2022"