Quarry will destroy Maracas Valley paradise

THE EDITOR: I congratulate Corey M Selvon, councillor for Maracas/Santa Margarita, for his letter of August 27, under the heading “No new quarry in Maracas Valley.”
I am also of the view that a new quarry would destroy a historic portion of the biodiversity of the Northern Range, which is nestled at the foothills of Trinidad's tallest waterfall and second highest mountain peak, El Tucuche.
This portion of Maracas Valley, St Joseph, is perhaps the last earthly piece of paradise in TT and must not be destroyed by those who seek to enrich themselves by destroying our community with another quarry. Selvon pointedly stated in his letter:
"... the introduction of another quarry operator in Maracas Valley will be detrimental to our community. The obliteration of rainforest, the pollution of water sources and the destruction of habitat for fish, birds and wildlife have already caused irreversible damage to the environment...
“The massive loss of precious water over many years threatens our water security...our communities are contaminated by airborne particles, our rivers have become polluted from toxic emissions into our water courses and nearby springs have dried up."
I join Selvon by endorsing his wise and prudent caution that residents of Acono Village and by extension those of Maracas/St Joseph cannot accept the risks that this additional quarry will pose.
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"Quarry will destroy Maracas Valley paradise"