Samuel appointed UWI deputy campus registrar

Dr Camille Samuel has been appointed deputy campus registrar of UWI St Augustine campus. Samuel’s appointment took effect from August 1.
A national of Trinidad and Tobago, Samuel holds a PhD in corporate turnaround and gendered leadership from UWI, an MBA in corporate strategy and economic policy from the Maastricht School of Management in The Netherlands and a BSc in sociology and management also from UWI. Samuel has also participated in several higher education professional development activities throughout her career. Her work in the areas of entrepreneurial support and excellence; corporate turnaround and crisis management; educational leadership and gendered leadership; IT governance and leadership and student development and support, as aided by artificial intelligence and technology have all been cited extensively and has led to her serving as a feature speaker at several international conferences and seminars.
Samuel possesses a wealth of knowledge and experience in both academia and enterprise management, having held several senior academic positions at UWI and affiliate institutions. She has led many strategic management interventions at local and regional public and private institutions. With an extensive and diverse background in strategic leadership, she has also anchored many student-centred initiatives both locally and regionally.
As an adjunct faculty member, consultant, and an academic advisor to masters-level students, for well over a decade at the Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business, Samuel has played a pivotal role in supporting business interventions and executive education in general. At the St Augustine campus, as a former member of the teaching fraternity at the Institute for Gender and Development Studies as well as a current teaching resource attached to the Department of Geomatics, Engineering and Land Management, she has supported the academic development of hundreds of students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She has also served as an academic supervisor to students at the University of the Netherlands and is currently serving as a doctoral dissertation committee member, attached to the Mona campus of UWI.
The former vice president of student affairs and vice president in charge of technology services at the College of Science, Technology and Applied Arts (COSTAATT) spearheaded several initiatives which prioritised the realisation of student support needs. She is profoundly committed to student development and the deepening of linkages with industry partners. Over her tenure at COSTAATT, Samuel has held various leadership positions. She has had responsibility for strategic cost reduction/ containment efforts, infrastructure expansion projects, digital transformation initiatives, social media related projects and has worked with her respective teams to expand revenue-generating opportunities while also working to improve enterprise risk management systems. She has also successfully managed the resolution of employee grievances and industrial relations cases.
Samuel currently serves on various international committees and professional technological associations. She is the president of the Ellucian- South American and Caribbean User Group and serves as a member of the Ellucian International Advisory Group, and the Ellucian International Cloud Council. In addition to her work and lectures in the international and regional spheres, she is an avid supporter and a member of the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) Committee of TT (CCoTT) as well as a member of the Supervisory (Audit) Committee of the TGG Credit Union Co-operative Society Limited.
The new deputy campus registrar will be working directly with the campus registrar, Dr Dawn-Marie De Four-Gill. De Four-Gill expressed confidence in the incoming deputy registrar, who has extensive knowledge in university administration, to have a successful tenure. She looked forward to a fruitful working relationship.
"Samuel appointed UWI deputy campus registrar"