Secret proposal in Mandela Park issue?

 - Marvin Hamilton
- Marvin Hamilton

THE EDITOR: I winced at the Port of Spain mayor's attempt to indicate that the proposal for Astroturfing the Nelson Mandela Park has now been placed on pause after due public consideration.

The PoS City Corporation has not shown the public that proposal and comments were expected in seven days, after a single online consultation with selected stakeholders. Well I tell you.

FPIC is the acronym summarising the rights of Indigenous Peoples to proper consultation before development is approved in their territories – free, prior and informed consent. It is very interesting to compare those international standards with the modern reality of development in this republic of ours.

Has the corporation received an 18-page proposal from Capital Sports Facility Ltd? If so, when was that received? What is the unexplained delay in the corporation publishing the proposal? Is it that this is a secret proposal?

All the mayor needs to do is just press “Send,” that’s all.



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"Secret proposal in Mandela Park issue?"

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