Has anyone at Republic been fired?

 - Marvin Hamilton
- Marvin Hamilton

THE EDITOR: After more than one week of customers being locked out of their Republic Bank online accounts, and having racked up huge telephone bills in trying to contact the bank without success, I ask: has anybody at that bank been fired for creating the monumental disaster that it has inflicted on many of its online customers?

From practically the first minute on July 5 when the bank put its change into effect, its telephone lines have been jammed 24 hours a day. No one who wanted to reach the Credit Card Centre, for example, to report urgent card issues was able to get through. Neither were people able to reach any of the bank’s branches. More than one week later the situation remains unchanged. Why?

In changing over to a new system, the bank should know that many customers would have needed the help of representatives to guide them through the process when they are having problems. Did Republic Bank think of that?

Also, all online customers now need to have smartphones to use the system. Did the bank consider the older people and the technologically-challenged? What about those who have older “me too” phones which they can barely understand, other than how to make and answer calls?

I have had to go out to buy a smartphone for a relative in order for her to use this system. Then I’ll have to teach her to use the phone’s features which she may take some time to grasp. Why?


I ask again: has Republic Bank fired any of those responsible for this banking mess that is now sending customers back to the branches to transact the business they did online before? The same customers the bank had been trying to keep away from the branches by encouraging them to do “online banking.”

What about the money customers will now have to pay to TSTT for telephone bills they have racked up while holding for hours to get through to the bank while listening to a recording telling them that “someone will be with you shortly?”

I really hope to hear shortly that quite a few managers have been given their marching papers from that bank. This is past the stage of being ridiculous.


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"Has anyone at Republic been fired?"

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