CPO launches new website

Chief Personnel Officer Commander Dr Daryl Dindial - Photo by Jeff K Mayers
Chief Personnel Officer Commander Dr Daryl Dindial - Photo by Jeff K Mayers

THE Personnel Department went live with its new website in mid-January. The website is expected to improve communication with all of the department’s stakeholders in pursuit of the National Development Strategy Vision 2030 Theme II: “Delivering Good Governance and Service Excellence.”

In a statement, Chief Personnel Officer (CPO), Commander Dr Daryl Dindial said, “The delivery of services and information to citizens and stakeholders of the Personnel Department is one of the critical success factors to measure the effectiveness of the department in achieving its mandate on behalf of the State.”

The website was collaboratively worked on by the corporate communications and the information communications technology (ICT) divisions, without any cost to the Government.

The website design includes access to key information such as the department’s strategic plan, labour agreements, circulars, policies, compensation and classification plans, information relating to trade disputes and key pieces of legislation that would be of interest to persons working and studying in the field of human resource management and industrial relations.

Additionally, content is being developed to facilitate the training and development of human resource units in government ministries and departments on several facets of human resource management, where the CPO has remit.


This includes training on the performance management appraisal system (PMAS), classifications/reclassifications, the administration of contract employment, increments, benefits management, compensation management, employee assistance programmes (EAP) and aspects related to job evaluation.

The strengthening of ministries and departments through training and development is considered to be an important undertaking to facilitate public service transformation initiatives.

The CPO also expressed his commitment to continue strengthening the mechanisms of communication and feedback to all stakeholders.

Other ICT initiatives will be shared to facilitate greater use by the public in accessing key information and updates on certain projects and aspects of work being conducted by the department.


"CPO launches new website"

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