MSJ: Put people first in 2021

MOVEMENT for Social Justice (MSJ) political leader David Abdulah declared that this year "people must come first." He said this during a virtual news conference on Sunday.
After saying the importance of good health was underscored by the covid19 pandemic in 2020, Abdulah said TT and the rest of the world will have to continue grappling with covid19 for the duration of this year.
He observed that even with potential covid19 vaccines being developed and distributed, the virus is still raging in different countries and the world now has to contend with a new mutant strain of covid19.
Against this background, Abdulah said TT's economy will continue to face challenges similar to the wider global economy.
Owing to covid19, Abdulah said the economic stimulus of over $1 billion which TT normally gets at the start of every year from Carnival is gone because Carnival has been cancelled. He said sectors such as energy and tourism will continued to be challenged by the pandemic.
Abdulah was concerned about employers using covid19 as rationale to unjustifiably fire workers.
"How do we quiet our worst fears?" he asked.
Abdulah said it is important that Government rethink the approach to development in TT, with policies which put people first. He urged Government to stay away from policies such as privatisation of state entities and raising tariffs of basic commodities. "These are not policies that put people first."
Abdulah said efforts must continue to be made to support essential workers such as health care providers and national security personnel, who continue to keep TT going through the pandemic.
He claimed the Prime Minister's New Year Message does not inspire people into believing conditions will improve in 2021.
In his message, Dr Rowley said the IMF’s World Economic Outlook projected that TT will see a 2.6 per cent economic growth this year, as compared to the -5.6 per cent last year.
"I believe the worst is behind us. With the rollout of the covid19 vaccine, global demand and economic activity are expected to return; improvements are expected in world energy prices, commodity markets; employment in the restaurant, entertainment, and distribution sectors are expected back slowly."Rowley said Government "will do its best to continue to steer our country to a place of growth and prosperity with the aid of our Roadmap to Recovery."
He said re-orientating the economy through digitisation will create opportunities for small businesses and increase employment in this area. Rowley also saw opportunities in manufacturing, energy services, green technology and agriculture, which could be developed.
Abdulah also warned, "Our worst enemies are leaders without vision."
He recalled that in 2020, certain people who aspire to leadership positions in TT took actions which could have resulted in the country being sanctioned and "fuel the fire of ethnic disunity."
Abdulah said 2021 provided citizens with an opportunity to "recycle our dreams and recast the mould of our society."
"MSJ: Put people first in 2021"