Imbert on GATE: It's under review

FINANCE Minister Colm Imbert has responded to a reduction of more than $30 million in the allocation for the Government Assistance for Tuition Expenses (GATE) programme and said GATE was under review.
He was speaking Thursday as the Standing Finance Committee looked at the budget estimates for the Finance Ministry.
Barataria/San Juan MP Saddam Hosein asked about a line item showing a cut in the GATE programme by $35 million.
Hosein asked: "Is there any plan to reduce the number of programmes?"
Imbert replied: "GATE is under review."
Hosein asked by whom.
Imbert replied,"By Government."
Hosein wanted to know, "When will we get the report of the review?"
Imbert said, "Soon."
Hosein asked who were the members of the committee reviewing GATE, but Imbert said there was no committee. He said there is a Cabinet and it will be advised by the Education Ministry.
He added: "Not only GATE but there are other things under review."
Hosein asked if there may be a reduction in the number of programmes, but Imbert said he could not give any more information than to say it was under review.
Hosein said: "GATE is going to be cut."
"Imbert on GATE: It’s under review"