UWI launches climate change competition

THE University of the West Indies (UWI) Open Campus has launched a climate change competition for national and regional students.

In a release on Tuesday, UWI said the competition would focus on climate change and how the Caribbean could best adapt to and mitigate resulting social, economic and environmental impacts.

Winners will receive cash prizes.

The Student Entrepreneurial Competition on Climate Change will take place from this September to next July and will provide participants with useful educational and real-world entrepreneurial experiences.

The competition was introduced at a joint webinar between ACCA and The UWI Open Campus entitled Investing in the future: business and finance professionals can tackle climate change.


Dr Luz Longsworth, pro vice-chancellor and principal of The UWI Open Campus, in her remarks at the webinar said, “The climate change competition is aimed at our youths and is challenging them to look at entrepreneurial solutions to climate change.”

The competition will see student teams from The UWI campuses and other universities across the region working together to submit their ideas in the form of proposals. They will also submit business plans and concept papers on current and projected climate change impacts on the Caribbean's environmental, economic and societal sectors.

President of the Guild of Students Leon Dawson endorsed the competition and emphasised the importance of protecting the environment and reducing the threats of climate change.

“This competition will provide a platform for students to showcase their different instruments on ideas such as policies, regulations, technological devices and financial incentives that are needed for climate change mitigation and adaptation,” he said.

The competition will promote environmental and social sustainability and business development throughout the Caribbean. It will prioritise environmental conservation and justice, country specific or regional policies and laws and innovative businesses to reduce carbon footprint. It will also promote impactful communication and environmental education as well as urban and community resilience.

Points will be awarded based on impact, innovation, team dynamics, use of social media, viability and potential.

Those interested can visit www.open.uwi.edu/climate-change for information on how to participate in this competition.

The deadline for entry is September 30.


"UWI launches climate change competition"

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