McClashie: UNC stopped several projects in La Brea

PEOPLE'S National Movement (PNM) candidate for La Brea Steve McClashie has blamed the United National Congress for stopping several projects for the constituency.
He was speaking Tuesday night at a PNM meeting in La Brea.
He said the three issues in the constituency are jobs, infrastructure and youth development. McClashie said during his campaign walkabouts he keeps hearing the narrative: "PNM eh do nothing for we."
He said the PNM has always been a party of vision, long-term planning and strategising.
"Jobs are not created overnight. It is a long-term process to get a methanol plant, a smelter or a power plant in La Brea."
McClashie said the PNM brought projects like the smelter and the building of gas platforms.
"The consistent thread is the UNC removed projects from La Brea. Had those projects stayed we would be having a very different conversation."
He said other candidates claim the PNM did nothing, but they offer no substitute plans.
"They say you will get jobs. What jobs? Box drains? Box drains build very quickly. Box drains and banditry are not careers."
He advised people not to be fooled by the rhetoric that La Brea is dying. He promised his first activity as MP for La Brea would be to create an economic development plan for La Brea and the South Western Peninsula.
"If you lose the key of your brain and vote another party in and push back (plans) for years, it will not serve your purpose. The best party to serve your purpose is the PNM."
"McClashie: UNC stopped several projects in La Brea"